30 C
Friday, May 17, 2024

Rishad’s brother-in-law arrested for raping another domestic helper

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Brother in law of MP Rishad Bathiudeen (44) has been arrested for sexually abusing a 22 year old domestic servant who worked at MP Bathiudeen’s official residence previously.

The incident was brought to light amidst the probes carried out into the death of a 16-year-old domestic worker at the parliamentarian’s private residence.

It was revealed that the 22-year old woman was sexually harassed since 2015 to 2019 at the former minister’s residence at Mackenzie Road in Colombo by Bathiudeen’s brother-in-law.

Accordingly, the police also arrested the 44-year old brother-in-law of former minister Sheyabdeen Ismadeen over the charges of raping the women.

In the meantime, three including MP Bathiudeen’s wife, her father and the intermediary who brought the teenage girl to the Bathiudeen residence were taken into custody earlier today.

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