33 C
Saturday, May 4, 2024

“Don’t panic, there is no fuel shortage”: Kanchana

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Power and Energy Minister, Kanchana Wijesekara, has issued a reassuring message to the public regarding concerns about fuel shortages. He urges everyone not to panic, assuring them that both the CPC and LIOC have ample stocks available.

Taking to Twitter, Minister Wijesekara explains that the shortages are primarily caused by fuel station owners refraining from placing orders, as they anticipate a potential reduction in fuel prices. To address this issue, he emphasizes that dealers are required to maintain a minimum stock level of 50%. Additionally, he has requested the CPC to review and suspend the licenses of any fuel stations that fail to comply with this requirement.

For transparency, the current stock levels of various fuel types across CPSTL/CPC Plants as of 8:30 am on 1 June 2023, are as follows:

  • Auto Diesel: 122,769 MT
  • Super Diesel: 5,739 MT
  • 92 Petrol: 56,797 MT
  • 95 Petrol: 2,318 MT
  • JET A1: 42,625 MT


වාද්දුවේ පොලිස් වෙඩිතැබීමේ තවත් තොරතුරු එළියට

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